It's official I am done trying with this girl. Last night I was forced to sit with my RA, my roommate, and my 2 suitemates and talk about our room. It was the biggest waste of time in my life. I tried to explain how I felt like it wasn't my room and that I was walking on eggshells all year trying to keep this girl happy, and her response was "same". Everything I said, she would say that she felt the same way. Keep in mind that I would speak eloquently and articulate everything that I felt, she just said she felt the same way. Oh really, how do you feel? I dare you to share an idea that is actually original and not just simply out of my mouth! Now keep in mind after the meeting where she said how she never feels welcome in the room, she goes in the room and stays there for the rest of the night. Meanwhile, I avoided my room at all costs since I still didn't feel comfortable. I spent two hours crying over how upset I was and hiding in my suitemate's room. Even after I knew she was asleep I was still to anxious to go in. So, tell me how are our feelings the same again?
When I found out that I had to go to this meeting I was about to scream. So I talked to a friend who is also an RA in my building, just unfortunately not on my floor. When I told her what was going on, she said that it was most likely because she put in for a room transfer and so now they have to do this. OMG HALLELUJAH!!! I can only dream that this is true. So now if that is what happened the RA will be checking in with us for the next week, and if nothing changes, SHE'S GONE! I might throw a party if that happens.... So I have decided that I am just done trying. That girl never tries to be nice to me. She just throws hissy-fits and acts all passive aggressive. So, I'm done. I will be polite, I will answer when spoken to, and I will not be rude, but I will no longer spark any type of conversation with her because to be quite honest, I could really care less about hearing anything she has to say. Espicially since all she ever talks about is herself. I have tried long enough. This girl is making me miserable in a space that is supposed to be half mine, so I owe her nothing. Not once has she ever tried anything to make things better, so if she wants to its her turn because I'm done.
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