The hardest part of college is not the academics or finding your social niche. No, the hardest, most difficult, most frustrating part of college is dealing with roommates! I don't know how people in triples or quads can do it. I'm struggling with just one! To describe all of her strangeness would just take to long....
So instead here is what I shall call the "highlight" list,
- She goes to bed at 9:30 at night
- She is ALWAYS in the room!
- I never get anytime to myself!
- She gives the dirtiest looks to anyone who comes in my room
- She's mean to my friends when I'm not there
- She never stops talking! Especially when I'm clearly doing homework
- She always complains things are dirty
- I'm a neat freak, who cleans everything atleast twice a week; nothing is dirty
- She vacuums maybe once a month
- 8:00 am is late for her to wake up...... Her first class is at 10:30am......
I feel like I'm constantly walking on egg shells trying to make her feel comfortable. I don't know how to do anything else. Luckily the good thing about her is that she goes home most weekends. I don't want to be mean, but how do I remind her that it's my room too? Am I being over dramatic? UGH!!
Oh well at least I get to go home this weekend for the first time!