
Friday, December 6, 2013

How to Get Along with Your Roomate

So the most unexpected thing has happened over the past week. My roommate and I (yes the one who I have bitched about many MANY times) are getting along! In fact, we're actually having fun! I don't know what has happened.. but I like it! So, I decided to share the things that have been going differently that may have led to us getting along.

  1. Don't dwell on the small things. This goes without saying. If every little thing they do bothers you, then your going to hate them every second of the day
  2. Don't put down what they do. Many times I have silently (and not so silently) judged my roommate for watching a lot of Netflix. Well, I have stopped! They are going to do whatever they want and that's their choice. You are not there mom. You don't need to tell them how to live. Odds are, they know what they are doing, and if they don't, they will figure it out on their own. 
  3. Ask about things they like. So my roommate watches Netflix a lot, so I asked her how her show was going. It actually led to a great conversation about things that actually related to the both of us. Typically they will first answer your question about that topic and if it's not something that interests you, that can be a bit boring. However, if you plow through odds are something else will come up that actually does make you interested. Although honestly, if it's going to bore you that much, I wouldn't ask about it
  4. Find something you have in common. I think this is the most important one. Even if you are completely different people with different views and different backgrounds, you're bound to have something in common. Turns out for me and my roommate it was a great love of Christmas! It got us talking and led to us just being more comftorable with each other so we could talk about more things.
The biggest key with a roommate is just to start talking. You never know what you'll end up talking about and you might learn something new about them, which might make you like them a lot more! So try! You never know what will happen!

The struggle continues...

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Luke Bryan was a Stripper

So, Luke Bryan in my opinion is one of the hottest country singers out there. In fact I would go as far to say that he is one of the hottest men out there! He is one of the few men in this world who can rock tight jeans and rock them well! If you have seen him in concert (I'm extremely jealous) you know that he is quite good at shaking that perfect butt of his! That being said! Some genius somewhere went ahead and put Luke Bryan shaking his perfect behind into a series of clips to the surprisingly fitting song "Don't Drop that Thun Thun Thun" by Finatticz. I swear this man was a stripper in a past life! (I also want to mention that I own nothing that involves this video I and simply sharing this beautiful link!)
So watch and enjoy what may be the best 3 minutes of your life!
They should really remake "Magic Mike" but with country singers... That may be the hottest movie ever!
The struggle just got a little better...

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

How to Fix a Bad Mood

So for the first time since I've been here in college, I got a bad grade on an exam. Now keep in mind, I consider a good grade anything over an 80. So, when I say it's a bad grade it's bad. In fact it was a 65%!!! That's not very good at all! So needless to say once I saw that I took a left turn right into grumpy town! Now this is not the best thing when you live with other people. So before I ripped someone's head off and lost all my friends, I tried to put myself in a better mood!
1. Paint my nails! 
Pampering can make any girl feel better! I also have a horrible obsession with nail polish! So I decided to relax by painting my toes! I decided on "Mint Candy Apple" by Essie. I love it because it looks like Tiffany Blue! So now my little piggies look pretty.

Ok so health nuts and psychologists probably just cringed. Like many illicit substances, you should never cover emotions with food. But... it works! I mean really a fully belly= a happy belly! I had recently just ordered Chinese food so it was great timing as I sat devouring a bowl of Lomein.

3. Watch a movie in bed!
Find a movie that can distract you or better yet make you laugh! Whatever takes your mind away! I decided on Dark Shadows. The one where Johnny Depp is a vampire in the 70s. Not the best film, but not the worst either! It certainly got the job done!

*My Secret Weapon*
If all else fails and you're still in a horrible mood, look up pictures of cats! The internet is full of them! Let's be honest we've all done it. You don't have to be a cat person to think they're cute! I mean look!
You know he's cute!

So that's what I did and it actually kind worked. Everyone is going to get a bad grade at some point. It's what you do after that matters. 

The struggle continues...

Organize Me: Finals Week

It's that time of the year! Winter break is right around the corner, which means I get spend a whole month at home with family and friends celebrating the holidays and New Years. This also means that it's time for the dreaded Finals Week! But in all honesty I'm not that worried. That sounds terrible but it's because I'm ready! I know what I need to do and I have everything I need to do it. I want everyone to feel this way about their Finals because the more confident you are about what you know, the better you will do! I promise! So here it is!

1. Make a Finals Binder!
This is my holy grail of Finals week! It has everything I could ever need for Finals. It keeps me organized and it keeps everything in one place.
 This is the front of my binder. It has my exam schedule on it and what I am being tested on for each exam. I also decided to put a fun quote on the front to make me laugh while I am stressed and studying. I also chose to add glitter cause theres nothing that glitter can't improve!!

This is the inside of the binder. It has a section for each exam. In each section I keep all of my study guides for each test. I don't want to keep everything in here because I want to be able to take it everywhere and if it's too heavy I won't want to. The lined paper on the front is for me to make study guides and take notes on things as I need to. I also only want to focus on what I need to know for finals so I don't get distracted by anything else (God forbid I study something I don't need to!).
Things I do want in each section:
  • Study Guide for each chapter that highlights the key points of each chapter in my own words so I understand them
  • Old quizzes on the chapter to review the kind of problems the teacher will ask
  • Powerpoints from previous chapters
2. Make Study Guides
Making study guides is a great way to study. The act of writing out the notes and copying them is a way to remember things. On the study guide you want:
  • The key points from the chapter
    • These are usually the things that the teacher talks about most during class. 
  • Your own words
    • you want everything written in a  way you understand it. You do not want to simply copy the notes from the power point. 
  • Examples
    • This is also really important for math problems because you want to see what you need to do for different types of problems
    • You can also use examples for explaining different concepts. You can make these up on your own or you can use ones your teacher uses in class whatever works for you!
3. Find a Good Place to Study
You want a place where you can focus. Somewhere that doesn't have a lot of distractions and somewhere you're not going to fall asleep! The library is always great but its usually very full during Finals Week. Most classrooms will be open during finals week and those will usually be very empty and very quiet. Find somewhere you like and you're not going to mind going to. So somewhere across campus might not be the best idea if it means you will never go there.

These are just some of my best tips for Finals Week. But, when it comes to studying, you need to know how you learn best. So Good Luck! 
May the curve be ever in your favor!


Thursday, November 28, 2013

Name Change!

Hi everyone!
As I earlier wrote in this post, I changed the name of this blog. Well, that didn't last long, the original name is back! Sorry for what I'm sure is a lot of confusion! But, sometimes the original idea is the best one!

So, I have decided to make a little change to things around here. Actually, it's a pretty big change! As I'm sure you've noticed, I've changed the name of the blog to Pink Prepster. I did this because this was my original idea for a blog but I decided on the other name instead. Now, however I have decided to go with my original idea because I feel that it fits the contents of this blog more. Not to worry! Everything else from content to location, everything else is still the same! In fact, I actually have some really exciting things planned for the near future!

If you don't share my belief that this change is for the good feel free to leave me a comment below! I'd love to know what you all think! Otherwise, I think this is going to go really well! (I hope!)

Xoxo <3

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Candle Jar

So, Mason Jars are just the best things for crafting!
This week I decided to buy some candles for Christmas time for my dorm (No, I'm not allowed to have candles in my room but don't tell my RA!) But I also wanted something to put the candle in to keep it safe and protected, so I decorated a Mason Jar!
I started with

  • a plain clear Mason Jar
  • Paper Star cut-outs
  • Modge-podge
  • Silver Glitter
  • A candle of you're choice (optional) 
So what I did was I printed and cut out pictures of small stars. They are easy to get if you use the shapes on Microsoft Word. Then I glued the Stars to the Mason Jar with the mode-podge to the outside of the jar. Once the stars were all on. I covered the outside of the jar in modge-podge, including over the stars. Then I poured the silver glitter all over the outside of the jar. Then I let everything set for a few minutes, and I used tweezers to pull off the stars. With the star windows open, I placed the candle inside of the jar and lit the candle. I think it came out pretty well!


Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Fall Outfits

When I was younger, I never liked clothes during fall. I always wanted to wear bright colors all the time, but now I love fall clothes! There is just something about them because you don't have to wear a heavy coat, but you can still wear comfy sweaters and scarves. So, today I have decided to share with you some of my latest outfits.
These are what I wore to class the past couple of days. I like to look nice when I go to class because it makes me focus better. Whenever I wear sweatpants (and I LOVE sweatpants!) I just wanna curl up and take a nap, which during class, is usually frowned upon. So this is what I chose

Then last night I had to dress in Business Casual for a sorority function. So I stuck with my military jacket because it is my absolute favorite thing for fall. I paired it with a dress that I usually wear for summer. I bought it last spring from Nordstrom. The military jacket I got this summer form J.Crew. 
One of my favorite things in fall is to pair a summer/spring dress with a fall sweater or jacket. It gives me a way to keep things colorful. I also find it easier to find dresses that I like during the spring and summer months cause more dresses are sold. By pairing the dresses with more neutral fall jackets or sweaters it also gives me an excuse to continue wearing the same dresses (yay savings!) 
What are some of your favorite fall fashion hacks? Comment below 